UEFA Euro 2020 Final Game Watching! 欧洲杯冠军夜 - 共享足球盛典!

admin 体育赛程 2024-08-13 57 0

UEFA Euro 2020 Final Game Watching! 欧洲杯冠军夜 - 共享足球盛典!

Watch the UEFA Euro2020 final game LIVE with us! European Chamber Tianjin Chapter together with the Heineken - UEFA Euro2020 Official Global Partner, Amcham Tianjin and Himalaya Residence cordially invites you to join us and watch the grand final together @Hard Rock Cafe with football fans! 



* No entrance fee charged, a la carte applied. 本活动不收取门票费用,请自点自付。

All participants will enjoy the first bottle of Heineken beer for free of charge and a 10% off on the food & beverage ordered



>> Highlight 活动亮点: 

1. Foosball competition with prize! 现场桌式足球比赛,赢取喜力好礼!

    Open to 16 teams (2 persons per team). You may register with restaurant staff to participate the match onsite or register with        chamber staff in advance! 


Rules 规则: 16 teams draw lots to decide their opponents. The 8 teams who get 10 points first wins the game and enter the next round. Repeat this process to conduct quarter-finals, semi-finals and final. 16支队伍抽签决定比赛对手,一一对战,先获得10个进球的队伍获胜,8支获胜队伍进入下一轮,再进行抽签,决定对手,以此类推,进行四分之一决赛,半决赛以及决赛。

Prize 奖品: Champion will be awarded with one case of Heineken beer along with the 2nd place who will be awarded with gifts provided by Heineken, the Official Global Partner for the UEFA Euro2020! Other teams will also get free  Heineken beers - one for each player! 冠军队伍将获得喜力啤酒一箱,并和亚军队伍一道获得由2020欧洲杯全球官方合作伙伴喜力啤酒提供的精美礼品。 

2. Live band and cheering dances! 乐队现场演奏,劲歌热舞助兴。

3. Lucky Draw! Prize including European Chamber 20 Anniversary Customized Tie and Whiskey Glass, Room Voucher provided by Himalaya Residence , jerseys with Messi's signature and gifts provided by Heineken 惊喜抽奖,奖品包括由中国欧盟商会20周年纪念款领带及威士忌水晶杯,喜马拉雅服务式公寓提供的免费房券,梅西签名球衣,喜力礼品等。


>> Agenda 时间安排:

20:50 - 21:00   Registration 签到

21:00 - 21:40   Live Band and Cheering Dance 乐队演出,精彩舞蹈

21:40 - 22:00   Foosball Competition (16 to 8) 桌式足球比赛,16进8

22:00 - 22:40   Live Band and Cheering Dance 乐队演出,精彩舞蹈

22:40 - 23:00   Foosball Competition (Quarter Finals) 桌式足球比赛,四分之一决赛

23:00 - 23:40   Live Band and Cheering Dance 乐队演出,精彩舞蹈

23:40 - 00:00   Foosball Competition (Semi-finals and Final) and Award Ceremony 桌式足球比赛,半决赛及决赛,颁奖仪式

00:00 - 00:30   First Round Lucky Draw 第一轮抽奖

00:50 - 02:10   Live Band 乐队演出

02:25 - 02:30   Second Round Lucky Draw 第二轮抽奖

02:30 - 03:00   Live Band 乐队演出

03:00 - 05:00   Euro2020 Final Match Live! 欧洲杯总决赛现场直播

03:45 - 03:55   Last Round of Lucky Draw 比赛中场休息时,进行最后一轮抽奖

